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Empire Events / Wedding  / South Asian Desi Wedding Trends to Look Out for

South Asian Desi Wedding Trends to Look Out for

South Asian weddings are known for their vibrant colours, intricate details, and elaborate celebrations. As we look ahead to the future, South Asian Desi wedding trends are constantly evolving with new trends emerging each year. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the wedding trends to watch out for in South Asian Desi weddings and how you can incorporate them into your wedding planning.

Sustainable Weddings:

In recent years, sustainable weddings have become increasingly popular, and this trend will continue to grow in South Asian Desi weddings. Couples are seeking to create a wedding experience that reflects their values and beliefs, and that includes environmentally friendly practices. This means incorporating elements like locally sourced catering, compostable tableware, and up-cycled decor. To embrace this trend, consider ways to reduce your carbon footprint and use eco-friendly practices in your wedding planning.

Intimate Weddings:

In South Asian Desi weddings, the guest list is typically large and includes extended family and friends. However, in recent years, smaller and more intimate weddings have become increasingly popular, and this trend will continue in the coming years. Couples are choosing to focus on quality time with their loved ones instead of a large guest list. This allows for more personal touches, unique experiences, and a chance to create meaningful memories. To embrace this trend, consider a smaller wedding venue and other personalised details that make your wedding special.

Fusion Weddings:

As South Asian Desi couples blend cultures and backgrounds, fusion weddings have become increasingly popular. This trend involves blending different cultural traditions, music, and food to create a unique wedding experience. To embrace this trend, consider incorporating elements from both cultures into your wedding planning, such as fusion cuisine, traditional attire with a modern twist, and music that blends different cultural sounds.


In South Asian Desi weddings, personalisation has always been important, and this trend will continue in the coming years. Couples are seeking to make their wedding truly unique and reflective of their personalities. This could mean personalised details like custom wedding favours, unique ceremony backdrops, or even a custom wedding hashtag. To embrace this trend, think about incorporating personalised touches throughout your wedding planning, from your wedding invitations to your reception decor.


With the rise of technology, expect to see more South Asian Desi couples incorporating virtual elements into their wedding day. This could include live-streaming the ceremony for loved ones who can’t attend in person or using virtual reality to create a unique wedding experience. To embrace this trend, consider incorporating technology into your wedding planning and creating a truly unique and innovative wedding experience.

Sustainable Fashion:

Sustainable fashion has become increasingly important in recent years, and this trend will continue in South Asian Desi weddings. Couples are seeking to make environmentally friendly choices when it comes to their wedding attire, such as choosing fabrics that are sustainably sourced and using traditional attire that can be worn again. To embrace this trend, consider using sustainable fabrics in your wedding attire and using traditional attire that can be worn again.

In conclusion, South Asian Desi wedding trends in 2023 are all about sustainability, personalisation, and creating a unique and memorable experience for you and your loved ones. At Empire Events, we stay on top of the latest South Asian Desi wedding trends and can help you incorporate them into your wedding planning. Contact us to learn more about our wedding planning services for 2023 and beyond.

Contact us to get your Desi Wedding in London journey started.

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